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Gain valuable insight into your hormonal health & fertility with cycle tracking

During the Cycle Chart Consultation we will discuss various methods of charting, symptothermal tracking (cervical mucus, cervix positioning, basal body temperature), and review your cycle charts together to uncover any signs of imbalances. You will receive a personalized supplement plan to support your hormonal balance with a patient exclusive discount. 


If you deal with irregular cycles, you may want to consider home hormone testing with the Inito Fertility Monitor to track your hormonal patterns and cycle trends. 


While traditional serum hormone tests have their place, they are expensive and provide only a snapshot in time. The Inito Fertility Monitor tests throughout your cycle to provide a full picture of your hormonal fluctuations.


The small, portable device attaches to your iPhone and measures estrogen(E3G), progesterone(PdG), leutenizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) at home in about 10 minutes. Your hormonal values are automatically uploaded to your app and charted for you, giving you valuable insight into your cycle. 


Need help tracking and understanding your menstrual cycle? I am here to help. 

Inito Fertility Monitor

Use code BALANCED15 for 15% off the Inito Fertility Monitor starter kit to start tracking your hormones at home

TempDrop BBT Tracking

Tempdrop offers a simple, precise temperature tracking solution.
Get an additional 10% off using the link below.

Hormonal Tracking Chart
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