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Increase Uterine Blood Flow
Enhance Pelvic Organ Mobility
Pelvic Pain Relief
Menstrual Cycle
& Ovulation Regulation
Stress Reduction
Soften & Reduce Adhesions
Optimize Post-Surgical Healing
Decrease Menstrual Cramps
Improve Fertility Outcomes
Complement to IVF/IUI
Holistic, Non-invasive 

Client Reviews

"Dr. Ashley is absolutely amazing. I am SO confident that (Mercier Therapy) is what got our last transfer to stick. I will forever tell people about Mercier Therapy in the infertility world." 

Discover Mercier Therapy


Mercier Therapy is an external visceral manipulation that increases mobility and stimulates circulation to the reproductive organs to promote optimal function. This specialized form of pelvic therapy reduces restrictions and adhesions in the organs and their surrounding structures, restoring mobility, blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and facilitating optimal function. 


Common applications of Mercier Therapy include:


Fertility Issues

Mercier Therapy is a great tool to support fertility. By addressing pelvic imbalances, releasing restrictions, and improving circulation in the pelvic organs, Mercier Therapy helps to optimize conditions for fertility. There are currently 2 research studies published in Midwifery Today demonstrating Mercier Therapy's profound effects on fertility. 


Pelvic Pain

Mercier Therapy can be effective in managing pelvic pain caused by various factors, including endometriosis, adenomyosis, inflammatory conditions, pelvic floor dysfunction, or adhesions from previous surgeries.


Menstrual Disorders

Mercier Therapy helps alleviate symptoms of menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, or irregular cycles by improving pelvic organ mobility and function.


Surgical Recovery

Mercier Therapy is recommended as part of the recovery process following pelvic or abdominal surgery to reduce scar tissue formation, release adhesions, and promote proper tissue healing. 


Postpartum Recovery

Mercier Therapy aids in the postpartum healing process by addressing pelvic floor function, promoting tissue repair, and supporting the realignment of pelvic structures following childbirth. It can help alleviate symptoms such as pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, or pelvic organ prolapse. We assess for diastasis recti, breathing patterns, and you receive home exercises to support your healing.


We use organic castor oil, near-infrared(NIR) light therapy, heat, SOT(sacro-occipital technique) pelvic blocking, and cupping in conjunction with Mercier Therapy to maximize the benefits and optimize outcomes.


As an integrative chiropractic physician with advanced education in functional endocrinology and nutrition, Dr. Ashley is uniquely qualified to order and review lab work, offering personalized supplement and nutritional recommendations to support your journey. 

Common Conditions We Support

Fertility Challenges



Blocked fallopian tubes

Implantation failure

Recurrent miscarriages

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Unexplained infertility

Uterine abnormalities (fibroids, polyps, thin lining, etc.)

Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUFS)

Irregular Cycles/Anovulation

Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

Dypareunia (painful intercourse)

Asherman's Syndrome

Pelvic pain/Dysmenorrhea

Preparation for IVF/IUI

Secondary Infertility

Pelvic surgery rehab (c-sections, laparascopic surgery, hysterectomy)

Hormonal Imbalances (low progesterone, low estrogen, estrogen dominance)

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